Is your translation software based or done by humans?

We hire native speakers from all parts of the world to cater to the needs of those websites that need to be translated and optimized in the respective languages. Our team is spread across the world, and most of our translators live in their respective countries so they are familiar with the language and cultural restraints of those countries. We believe nobody can write content to win the hearts of the target audience, except for a native speaker, but we do not use the same individual for different types of projects. We do not use any kind of softwares or cheap tactics for translation purposes. In fact, we keep our translators motivated by paying them a premium amount for the work done. Various search engines have their own set of guidelines, and this is the reason we hire search engine experts in various languages to optimize the pages of our clients. Their job is to stay updated with all the changing algorithms of respective search engines so that they are ready to optimize whenever necessary. Creating and optimizing a page for a foreign language is more than just translating the pages and converting the Meta tags and anchor texts, our SEO experts across various countries of the world know what they are doing and they are the best in this field.

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