Even though the Magento platform is feature intensive, with all its imbalanced features it has a few setbacks as well; it can get annoyingly slow at time. We have a few tweaks which can be performed to speed up your M...
The Magento SEO plugin is just a basic add-on for Magento, it can only tweak minor things like product meta tags and anchor text. The actual Magento SEO process includes many more things like Magento crawalability setup,...
The Magento platform automatically creates individual product URLs, but its setback is that if left un-optimized, it will create duplicate product URLs if a product belongs to more than one category. There is an easy ...
Just after unpacking, Magento is an open source, feature rich eCommerce platform that provides web-store owners with unparalleled options and power over the design, feel, functionality and content of their eCommerce w...