What does it mean by PA, DA and TF/CF? How do they affect rankings?

These are common metrics used to discern the value of a domain, but one needs to check the link popularity profile of a website before they say that a domain is authoritative.

These metrics are not enough to determine the value of a website as other aspects such as quality of content and Google trust rank play a significant role as well.

DA – Domain Authority

As explained by MOZ, Domain Authority is a calculated metric to display whether a given domain has a chance to rank in search engines or not. This is based on compiled data from Mozscape and includes Moz Rank, link counts and Moz Trust along with several other ranking factors.

PA – Page Authority

As coined by Moz, page authority is the calculated metric to display whether a given page has a chance to rank in search engines or not. This is based on compiled data from Mozscape and includes Moz Rank, link counts and Moz Trust along with several other ranking factors.

TF/CF – Trust Flow / Citation Flow

Majestic SEO coined these two terms, trust flow is a metric to discern the trustworthiness of a link by determining the number of trusted websites linking back to that website.

Citation Flow is a metric to display the influence potential of a URL by determining how many websites link to it.

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